Sunday, March 24, 2013

Religion and BDSM

There are many facets to O/one's personality. But what happens when there is a conflict in Y/your psyche? I will explain my question. Everybody is spiritual in one form or another. So what does O/one do when their creed and lifestyle clash?

In regards to myself, i am Wiccan. I know that my deities accept me for the person that i am and only request that i don't bring intentional harm to O/others.

I want to hear from Y/you. How do Y/you handle both the spiritual and BDSM parts of Y/your personality?



  1. Great question Sarrah. I too am Wiccan and I believe that My acceptance of Polytheism is directly connected with My Polyamory and My acceptance of multiple kinks in Myself and others. For Me, My religion OPENS Me up for all the possibilities that are in this world, not limits Me.

  2. my answer was to create a religion. i created a practice of worship to my personal goddess. she is a goddess of submission and devotional love. so my submission and religion are one and the same.
