W/we A/all want to be healthy. T/those W/who care for U/us, want U/s to live a long life. But what happens when a Dominant orders their submissive to follow a diet that was not prescribed to them by T/their property's physician? Regardless of the intention, does this command still adhere to the guidelines set forth by SSC?
I would have to say that it would depend on the diet, the extremity, the changes that were being made, and the current health factors of the submissive. A common sense, healthy approach for me would fall into SSC if said diet wasn't extreme. Something like (not eating junk food, exercise for 30 minutes every day, etc.) are not extreme expectations in my opinion. Also in my opinion, a Dominant who is responsible, would speak with their submissive, consider all the factors and use common sense in this area. A responsible Dominant would not want to cause harm to their submissive, thus would not require an unhealthy diet for the submissive that could harm the submissive. After all, the goal here is to be more healthy. In addition to the Dominant being responsible and educating themselves if they weren't already, the submissive also must be educated in this area and voice concerns as necessary. Communication is the key here, as it is in every aspect of our relationships and a responsible Dominant would communicate with their submissive, listen to their concerns, send them to a physician if there are health concerns (and go with the submissive!) and be a support for their submissive as they go on the journey of becoming more healthy.